Thursday, April 3, 2008

Dark Dungeon

For random reasons too trivial to explain I thought of this old comic religious tract today. It was quite easy to find at which apparently still seriously publishes these ridiculous comics.
This particular still is from the "Dark Dungeon" tract talking about the "occult" game Dungeons & Dragons.
Little Debbie here on the left has apparently received her Mind Bondage spell from her DM (on the right). My old game group used to raz the Hades out of our DM for our Mind Bondage spell... ah... good times. We never got it. We never did any of the cool stuff. Mostly we just laughed a lot and burned a lot of candles--can't be a dungeon without candles. We also drank a lot of very bad beer (we were all well above 21). On the whole we were about the most wholesome game group around. We even bathed often.
Anyways.... Folks don't talk about D&D being a gateway to evil anymore. At least none of the folks I talk to. D&D is just releasing 4th edition and is now owned by Hasbro. If anyone still thinks otherwise, then seriously, take my word for it, it is just a game. Just a game.
And to my old DM, Aaron... That was a great game! I can safely say that quality of my life has been vastly improved. Those hours of relaxation and just general goofery are some of my happiest memories. Thanks for all the hard work!

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